Wow & Flutterville Classrooms

Different environments for distinct stages



Magnolia Room

6-weeks to 1-year-old


The world is so new and amazing to a baby. In the first year of life, infants being to understand who they are and how they relate to the world–whether objects truly disappear when they close their eyes and who those toes belong to. They learn how to roll over, sit up, and communicate. They take their first steps toward becoming themselves.

Oak Room

1 to 2 years old

Your toddler is on the move and ready to pick up the pace. They need space to explore and toys and books that spark their imaginations. They’re eager to play and laugh and want to try new things. They’re also developing self-control and can sit at a table and follow directions. They like to do things “by myself” such as putting on coats and shoes and are exceptionally motivated to be helpers.

Cedar Room

2 to 3 years old

Your child is gaining confidence and their curiosity is growing. They’re able to dig deep into new concepts and retain an incredible number of new facts. Their emotional world is also expanding. At this age, they’re good at cooperation and building community. Their sense of empathy is stronger than ever and they’re able to communicate complex emotions as they learn how to play together and develop friendships.

Willow Room

3 to 5 years old

Your capable little preschooler is a creative force now. Their play is more imaginative than ever and they now have the skills to make elaborate and surprising art projects. They’re also able to make connections—between people and ideas—that they weren’t able to see last year. (And that maybe you hadn’t seen them before either!) Your preschooler is fully becoming their own unique self and will soon be ready for the independence and delight of kindergarten.